Monday 15 November 2010

Preliminary Task - Continuity Task

The task is to take out the camera in a small group college and shoot a sequence.

Establishing shot = C block corridor
Close-up shot = Close-up of the C block toilet door
Match on action shot = Inside the C block toilets
Reaction shot =Inside the C block toilets
Long shot = In the C block toilets
Filming a conversation = Inside the C block

Establishing shot(image on the right)- This is effective because it allows the audience to see the setting.

Close up- This allows the audience to see the characters facial expressions so that they can relate to the character.

Match on action- This allows the audience to see the action from a different perspective. This helps the audience to fully understand what is happening.

Reaction shot- This shows the audience what the character is feeling. This is effective becuase it reflects the charcters mood.

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