Monday 29 November 2010

Initial Ideas

What classification will you use and why?
The classification in which we are thinking about using is to make our film a 'U' classified film. We have chose this because a wider audience can watch the film without having to get there parents consent so therefore potenially it would be more popular and get more views. Also children relate more to animated characters as they can use their imaginations more.

Will you use live action or animation + why?
We have decided to do animation throughout our film. As it's easier to make a 'U' film within animation and make it stick to the frame work. Also by creating the characters it means that we can be more imaginative and creative with the characters and make them more exciting and also it means that we can have a better range of settings as they don't have to be real-life based so it means we can have broader story lines.

What is the outline of your story? (what is the moral)
Set on a tree mainly. There is a male caterpillar called Charlie who is really weak and has no friends and gets bullied a lot. There is a female caterpillar in which charlie falls in love with called Chloe however she can't announce her feelings as she is the leader of the caterpillars. However the ladybirds try to invade their tree. So Charlie the caterpilar changes into a butterfly and saves the day so everyone adores him and charlie and chloe fly away together. So the moral of the story is to never judge someone and to have faith in yourself.

What role will each group member have?
We are all going to make the characters together, we will also take turns to create the sets and do the filming. We will decide nearer the time who's going to mainly edit and then who is going to make the soundtrack whilst the other edits.

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