Wednesday 24 November 2010

Favourite childrens film

When I was a child the film in which I enjoyed the most was Lion King.

1) How does it attract the target audience?

The lion king uses many techniques in order to attract its target audience. For example the opening sequence features bright colour so this makes the mood of the film really happy and fun so therefore this will excite the children and attract them. Also there is music within the background at the beginning of the film so again the fact its a happy and quite an emotional song it will again attract the target audience easily. The image to the right shows the action shown whilst this is happening to attract the target audience. And finally the fact it is a cartoon film with animals in straight away attract children as they always enjoy this sort of film at that age.

2) Why is this film so memorable to you?

The Lion King is so memorable to me for many reasons. For example I enjoyed the music used within the film as it always cheered me up and made me want to sing along with the characters. Also the usage of colour brightened up my day. As well as this I always loved animals so therefore the fact the Lion King had a variety of cartoon animals made it a really good film which I would always enjoy even to this age.

3) What is the moral of the film? 

The moral of the film is to always fight for what you believe in no matter how hard it is. And also to never trust anyone that you don't really know and to never go off on your own with no company or no contact with your family as it can lead to dangerous and life threatning situations.

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