Thursday 2 December 2010

Plan for filming

Plan for the three filming lessons. 

For the filming stage we will have three lessons in which to do all the filming. Because of this we need to be aware of time and make sure we allow ourselves enough time to upload the footage too.

So for the first lesson we will have to create the characters and the set and after that we will film as much as we can. And make sure we upload all the footage we have completed at the end of the lesson. As its an animation film we will just have to work in the classroom so therefore don't have to worry about moving locations each time or depend on the weather at all.

For the 2nd lesson we will film as much as we can and again leave enough time to upload our footage.

For the 3rd lesson we will film the remaining scenes and then again upload the footage.

As animations take quite along time to film we will probably create two sets one for the happy scenes and then another set for the sad scenes. Because of this it means that we will be able to have the two set up and be able to have more than one person filming a scene at the same time which means that it gives us more time to film the opening sequence and make sure everything gets complete and done.

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